United Nations Civil Society Conference from May 9th to 10th, 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya

   WILPF Cameroon She took part in this conference which brought together nearly 2500 participants (NGOs, academics, churches, foundations, businesses) from 110 countries It was held in the context of the Summit of the Future, an intergovernmental process that will take place from September 22 to 23, 2024 in New York

   The 69th United Nations Civil Society Summit aimed to make proposals on future global governance The work took place in plenary sessions and thematic groups
   Statements issued by representatives of several organizations have been made on various issues, namely: global governance, climate change, gender, peace and security, human rights, technology
   The global challenges identified in the aforementioned areas have been highlighted Recommendations have been proposed regarding the pact for the future, namely:
  The need for reform of the United Nations Security Council
  The revision of the United Nations Charter
  The fight against oppressive systems, including racism
  Respect for gender and the fight against all forms of discrimination
  Respect for human rights
  Inter-generational solidarity which should be the foundation of the pact for the future
   This summit was inclusive and served as a framework for interaction between civil society from different nations in order to propose innovative solutions for the Pact of the Future Some key moments marked the summit
  – The call for a ceasefire against wars in the world
  The presence of the Secretary-General of the United Nations honored civil society António_Guterres and the Kenyan President William_RutoHe made the sad observation that civil society is facing many challenges Nevertheless, his hope lies in civil society in the face of global governance failure The Kenyan President, for his part, has solemnly pledged to support Civil Society
   Added value for WILPF :
  WILPF was well represented by its members coming from theSpainof the Ghanaof the Kenya and the cameroon under the leadership of Mrs Sylvie Jacqueline Ndongmo.
  WILPF issued a highly applauded statement through its International Presidency
  WILPF called for a ceasefire and the transfer of war funds to peace
  The recommendations of WILPF have been well taken into account in the final recommendations of the Summit